World Scout Committee


The World Scout Committee is WOSM's executive body responsible for implementing resolutions that come from the World Scout Conference and for acting on its behalf between its meetings.



World Scout Committee members

Voting members

Twelve elected members, each from a different country. They are elected by the World Scout Conference by secret ballot, for a three-year term. The elected members are eligible for re-election for an additional term, serving a maximum of six consecutive years.


Ex-officio non-voting members

The following positions are members of the committee but who have no right to vote:

  • Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of each duly elected Regional Scout Committee
  • Secretary General of WOSM
  • Treasurer, who is appointed by the World Scout Committee
  • Board member from the World Scout Foundation

The Committee normally meets twice a year while its Steering Committee, which consists of the Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons, a Youth Advisor, and the Secretary General, meets as needed.


Youth Advisors

The World Scout Youth Forum elects six Youth Advisors to the World Scout Committee whose role is to increase youth participation in decision making at the organization. They are elected for a three-year term and participate in World Scout Committee meetings. Youth Advisors, each from a different country, are elected while they are aged 18-26.

Standing orders

The standing orders for the operation of the World Scout Committee and its substructures was adopted by the current World Scout Committee. The purpose of which is to provide a common operational framework and a set of standards for the World Scout Committee and its substructures which are consistent with WOSM’s Constitution

The Standing Orders also reference the following documents approved by the World Scout Committee:

Youth leadership

Empowering youth leadership is at the core of the World Scout Committee's mission, ensuring their voices shape the future of World Scouting. Together with National Scout Organizations, we're taking definitive action to amplify the impact of young leaders. 🙋 ✨

World Triennial Plan

Our current plan aims to unite the Scout Movement as we respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and look to the future to offer relevant educational opportunities for young people around the world.

Operational framework

The World Scout Committee develops an operational framework typically comprised of work streams, task forces, and Standing Committees that help implement of the Triennial Plan.

The initial volunteer appointments of the 2021-2024 Operational Framework have been made and updates will continue to be communicated in alignment with the project based approach to deliver on the Triennial Plan.

Consultative status

A number of organisations enjoy consultative status with the World Scout Committee. 

Bronze Wolf

This award acknowledges the outstanding service of an individual to the World Scout Movement. Established in 1935, fewer than 400 people have received the award. For a list of past awardees, click here.

Conflict of interest policy

The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to prevent the institutional or personal interests of the World Scout Committee members from interfering with the performance of their duties and to see that there is no personal, professional, or political gain at the expense of WOSM.

This policy is not designed to eliminate relationships and activities that may create a duality of interest, but to require the disclosure of any conflict of interest and the non-participation of any interested party in a decision relating thereto.

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