

We are pleased to share that registration for the 43rd World Scout Conference is now open. Registration for the Conference is by invitation only and will remain open until 17 June 2024. The registration process will be managed through an integrated online system, enabling National Scout Organizations (NSOs) to easily sign up their delegations.

International Commissioners and NSO Official Contacts will soon receive instructions by email to register individuals who will be part of their delegations for the Conference. Each nominated individual will then receive a personal invitation by email to complete their registration.

Considering the maximum capacity of the venue (1,500 people) and to avoid over-registration, a process to manage registrations has been put in place. This process has been designed to ensure fair representation of all 174 NSO delegations, as well as a waiting list for any excess registrations for delegations wishing to send larger groups. All details of this process can be reviewed on

While the Conference is designed as an in-person event, digital participation will be made available for delegates or observers (or whole delegations, if necessary) unable to attend in-person. Digital participants will be able to access and participate in all key sessions, including to virtually engage in all plenary sessions, key breakout sessions, as well as vote virtually for delegations with no individuals present in Cairo. Digital participants will register through the same process as in-person attendees.

All NSOs are encouraged to carefully consider the composition of their delegation, ensuring it is a reflection of the diversity of the Movement in their country in terms of gender, age, and cultural representation. In line with the Conference Rules of Procedure, NSOs are also strongly encouraged to ensure that at least one-third of their delegation are young people under the age of 30.

Invited partners, special guests, and members of the World and Regional Scout Committees will receive a separate individual e-mail to register for the events.

Live-streaming on the event website and dedicated WOSM communication channels will be available for all main plenary sessions so that more people can tune-in and follow the events. Interpretation is provided during the plenaries and key breakouts to the best of our abilities in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, by a dedicated volunteer team of Scout interpreters.

For more details, go to the registration page of the Conference website . If you have any questions or require support at any time during the registration process, please email us at [email protected]

To ensure that NSOs are equipped with the necessary tools, information, and skills to make the most of the event’s programme and institutional aspects, we will kick off the pre-engagement phase for the Conference at the Founder’s Day Town Hall on 25 February 2024. During the six months leading up to the Conference, NSOs will have the opportunity to join  webinar sessions on specific topics and access other types of content to prepare for the event. We invite NSOs to regularly check the Conference website and follow the Conference social media channels on Facebook, X, and Instagram for more information and updates.

Yours in Scouting,


Ahmad Alhendawi
Secretary General
World Organization of the Scout Movement